By - Doctor Subhash … Khopoli… Maharashtra… India. Doctors are at Risk in India due to Violence from Patient’s Relatives & Mob… Now a days physical assault on doctors is no more breaking news... Is the nature will find it’s own solution? Or Should we all do something? Or this issue is of no concerned.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
समन्वय समितीची स्थापना...Co-ordination Committee…Will it work?
Negligent Doctors
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Do Not humiliate Poor and common people...
Primary Health Centers are poorly functioning…Always with short of medicines…and short of efficient staff.
Some of the Rural Hospitals are on paper only…Many are having no efficient and adequate staff.
There are no mortuary facilities for postmortem at many small town places…like Khopoli in Raigad district in Maharashtra…These things frustrates the people in general.
In majority of Government Hospital…the Trend is to shift or refer patient to private setup…This is very inhuman for poor and tribal patients.
These and more like situations are the conditions are adding fuel to conspiracy against doctors
Poor who can afford are unnecessarily & compulsorily has to go to private doctors. Unknowingly his mind gets upset on the system of health care taker. This like slow poisoning on them which may give birth to a person having his mind setup changed to look towards medical profession. He only starts criticizing medical Professional.
The percentage of persons criticizing medical profession is increasing.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Protest by Doctors…Doctors came on road
Cruel & Inhumane Doctors...
People do make provision for small family functions or ceremonies…but they never make provision for medical expenses…they are never mentally prepared for medical expenses…and when suddenly they face such situation…they gets frustrated.
This is the fact that…Many people afford the medical expenses…but not willing to pay to Doctors…
Doctors charging more & more money…rather now days…they are money minded.
The demands from patients towards Doctors have increased due to health awareness.
The deadly competition over all & improved living standard of majority of people in India is adding stress on in general persons, & and the steam of the target may be on Doctors some times.
The unnoticed fact is that…Income of Doctor…many times gets flashed…compare to other professional or business man’s income…This is the main concern in big village or town. In short word…people are jealous of property owned by new Doctor.
Doctors are expected to give…24 hours non emergency service…
Political leaders all ways find the way to dominate Doctor…so as to prove themselves…and to interfere in Doctor and patient’s issue…is the easy way for the.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Doctors got protection by Law…but not by Relatives of Patient.

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Doctors got protection?

News related to Doctors in India
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Doctor is no more God…

Attack on Doctors…No More A Breaking News …

Attack on Doctors is No Social Issue…
Attack in Doctors…My Aim is…

Arrest the Doctor…

Doctors are Soft Target…
Healthy but Harsh & Rough People…
View on Government Health Centers…
Doctors are Businessman…

Appeal to All…

Getting Alert…..
Before the people move towards untoward hazardous steps against medical profession we all concerned people should start motivating towards some ideological approach to this issue,
This message to get Alert is to all the listed below:
1.Individual doctor
2.Doctors associations.
3.Heathcare organizations
4.All types of social organizations
5.All NGOs
6.Government health department
7.Ministry of health
10 …………………..
This is the right time to react
Take responsibly & act…. This is the right time to react. (T)
It’s my appeal to all medical professional to take the responsibility of this hazardous social issue.
Kindly note that no doctor is immune….Risk is to each & everybody
If you says you are not responsible….then you need to self assessed.
Doctor should not become Panicky…

How Medical Professional should react?
Its now time to react in a constant cool manner to be beneficial for long term basis.
Care should be taken to overreact on a situation. No person ,no law, is going to get it controlled instantaneously.
So it the basic need of present medical practice to do practice with professional ethics.
No person should do malpractice & everybody should keep on eye to a doctor doing malpractice.
If he/she is doing ,”why I should interfere ?”attitude will be no longer moral.
As if any Medico Legal Case comes , it’s our responsibility to inform police at least when we suspect some foul play; the same way as social responsibility we should try to identify quacks & socially harmful doctors. Otherwise a day or other we will be sufferer in spite of our fault.I can Change the World…
Minimise the Risk
Role of Medical Counsels…
Learn to Protect yourself…