Plan 1
How Medical Professional should react?
On the issue of periodic physical attack on Doctors…Its time now to react in a constant cool manner to be beneficial for long term basis.
Care should be taken to overreact on a situation. No person, no law, is going to get it controlled instantaneously.
So it the basic need of present medical practice to do practice with professional ethics.
No person should do malpractice & everybody should keep on eye to a doctor doing malpractice.
If he/she is doing,”why I should interfere?”Attitude will be no longer moral.
As if any Medico Legal Case comes, it’s our responsibility to inform police at least when we suspect some foul play; the same way as social responsibility we should try to identify quacks & socially harmful doctors. Otherwise a day or other we will be sufferer in spite of our fault.
Plan 2
Local association can play a major role if they wish it strongly.
Steps can be as follows:
Keep Monthly review cum meeting with local police authority.
Arrange three monthly reviews cum meeting with DYSP
Have yearly review cum meeting with SP
(These are things decided in the meeting of SP with RMA (Raigad district’s doctors association) on 29th Jan 2009)
Unfortunately decided things till today are not done. No follow up of decided things are done by Doctors.
To above decided plan…Need is to add few things…so as to make it effective.
Local doctors should periodically inform the name of over reactive &/or aggressive relatives & the name of person accompanying having criminal personality.
Police authorities are supposed to take appropriate action with out disclosing the name of doctors. (No written complaints)
Target here should be to prepare black list of persons who may lead or influence or actively participate in such issues of attacking doctors physically & mentally.
Plan 3
Different Ways to Prevent Attack on Doctors…
It is necessary to move slowly but constantly to get control over Physical attack on doctors.
These are some of the steps or guidelines on which health care Associations should concentrate.
Keep healthy relationships….especially…Relationship between Doctor and patient.
To arrange periodic educational camps so as to improve doctor’s attitude towards patients.
To arrange camps to improve doctor’s communication skills.
To arrange various workshops to relieve doctor’s stress.