Monday, December 13, 2010

Doctors got protection by Law…but not by Relatives of Patient.

Just few days back…the new law came with…
Provision of punishment…fine and imprisonment…
to a person or persons attacking a Doctor.
And this is recent news…
Relatives of patient after sad demise of patient…
became rowdy and they physically assaulted a Doctor.
Physically assault is the word to be used…
But the fact may be they must have literally bitten the Doctor or Doctors…as I am aware of the incidence taken place in Raigad District last year.
Doctors reacts on such issues…One day strike…Protest…meetings…discussion for few days…and silence.
My appeal to all concerned social associations including medical associations…think seriously on issue…and its various aspects…like public awareness…and implementation of Law.
If society accepts the accident of any type…as an unavoidable event…and starts treating the issue of attack on Doctors like an accident…then there is no further discussion on issue.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Doctors got protection?

Doctors got protection?

New Law – mentioning details regarding
a Law of...
‘Imprisonment and recovery of damages from the persons making attack on doctor’s property’.

Doctors may be now little bit relaxed by knowing that new law which is made …has been announced by government…and it can be effective solution against the attack on doctor or / and his property…

So am I suppose to change the title of my ‘Doctors are protected in India’ instead of ‘Doctors are at Risk in India’?...

The answer to this question is no…as this is the only Law made…and there are many several laws against various criminal offences…but the crime does exist…

So there is no change…but Doctors are at Risk…is the same situation…

No doubt the public awareness regarding new law will act as one of the strong steps towards the one of the ways of prevention or at least  to minimize the Attacks on Doctors in India

News related to Doctors in India

Comments on news   related to  Doctors in India
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Doctor is no more God…

As stated by Great Philosopher Swami Vivekanand –

“Doctors are also a part of society, they are human beings like all others. They use their best of knowledge for the wellbeing of patients But since medical science is upgrading science ( as no science is perfect) and irrespective of his best efforts Doctors can fail to diagnose or to treat certain medical critical cases. So Do not treat doctor as culprit as he is also not God.”

              Doctors tries his level best bur irrespective of this sometimes Doctors can commit mistakes. But for that consumer court, legal authorities are there to look into matter.

To attack doctors or his hospital is not the legal / moral way to react in any sense.
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Attack on Doctors…No More A Breaking News …

Attack on Doctors…No More A Breaking News
It is no More Breaking News.

For media people physical assault on doctors is no more breaking news.

Is Media can take major contributory role to save our society?

Answer is strongly yes.

Media people should rethink on such sensitive issues. I sometimes feels that, the news is working as tonic to frustrated class of society to over react on such issue. News getting in to their subconscious mind may work like booster dose on conscious mind.

It is like these people are learning free classes on rivalry against medical profession and eager to join the companion against doctors.

Attack on Doctors is No Social Issue…

Why this not becoming a part of social issue? Why not?
Question here is

Why people are not reacting ?

Are they are nor aware of  people taking advantages are criminal & psychological disturbed persons , harmful to all.

I am just thinking why this issues of Physical assault on doctors are not getting converted into socially emotional issues?

Why any person are not reacting in any proper way?

For what people are waiting for?

Do they want to wait the news of death of a doctor in mob attack after the death or after any medical complication or anaphylactic death?

Do the society want to wait till doctors will be loosing their best mental ability to treat the patient?

Attack in Doctors…My Aim is…

Aims of this Topic:
Psychology of patient’s relatives is now topic to review by various Association of Psychologist in India. These are the right persons to study it & so as to come to certain conclusion with solution.

Incidences of physically & mentally harassment of medical profession is to be considered  as serious issue by various Human Right commissions or related NGOs.

It’s now time to think on this issue by various experts in the subject of Sociologist as these kind of activities are going to be make very adverse effect on doctor-patient relationship & indirectly on health care of society.

It’s aims to motivate various social organizations to take this issue on their agenda so as to protest such violence by regular awareness cum brainwashing activities by various capable people.

This article also aims to pressurize various medical professional associations to discuss this issue in each every meeting irrespective of type of meeting or type of subject.

To involve police authority in this matter on constant, effective & regular basis with the help of medical local association will be long term beneficial way to at least minimize the intensity & frequency of attacks on doctors.

To study the positive & negative impacts of involving political parties in such issue of demoralization of medical professionals by mob leaded or influenced by some of the political party.

To study long term benefits or ill effects of doctor’s active involvement in various political parties so called by gorgeous doctors cell.

Arrest the Doctor…

Arrest the Doctor…
Why Police do Not Arrest the Doctors?
This is the Question asked by angry relatives & mob.
Police Suggests to get protection doctor is kept in Police station not in custody immediately…
According to law Doctors can not be arrested immediately as he has not made any mishap intententianally…
So To surrender may be the one way to protect you. By this Mob may get cooled.

Doctors are Soft Target…

Are doctors are soft targets?
Answer is No & Answer is Yes.

Answer is No

Rather doctors targeted by unsatisfied irritated emotionally upset crowd still in a soft way. They are just now talking the language like beating/killing doctors. Their attack on doctors is emotional. It is not planned or cold blooded. This is the early sign to identify disaster likely to come in the near future which will affect all the healthcare system of our society.

Answer is Yes.

People know doctor is a part of noble medical profession. His behavior is remarkable.

He never use abuse language. He is cool guy & afraid of violence.

He can not counter attack you in any way.

So he is the soft target.

Healthy but Harsh & Rough People…

What are the causes of increasing harshness / roughness on doctors by patients relatives or of persons with aggressive over reactive personalities.?
As demoralizing all sectors of society, medical profession is also not excluded.
Likely reasons – a) Are doctors charging more & more money?
                       b) Are demands from patients are increasing?
                            c) Are competition & improved living standard are adding stress on in general persons, & and the steam of the target is doctors.

View on Government Health Centers…

Do Not humiliate Poor & common people..
Are government health care centers are 100% functional.
Are they up to mark & able to fulfill patient’s basic requirements?
Answer to all concerned question is unfortunately NO..
1.     Primary Health Centers are  – poorly functioning. Always with short of medicines , short of efficient staff.
2.     Rural  Hospital  – on paper only , No efficient , inadequate staff
3.     No mortuary facilities for postmortem at many small town places like khopoli
4.     Munciple hospital – trend to shift or refer patient to private setup
These and more like situations are the conditions like adding fuel to conspiracy against medical profession.
Poor who can afford are unnecessarily & compulsorily has to go to private doctors. Unknowingly his mind gets upset on the system of healthcare taker. This like slow poisoning on them which may give birth to a person having his mind setup changed to look towards medical profession. He only starts criticizing medical practioners.
And day by day the percentage of persons criticizing medical profession are going to increase.

Doctors are Businessman…

Doctors are Businessman…
Has medical profession is no more service oriented? seva
Are increased consciousness of people adding to cost of medical expenses like investigations, prophylactic operations & so
As ways of getting admission to education of medical science is changing, like getting admission by huge donations & expensing large amount on fees for it, is the one way of investing money like businessman.
So these big business oriented doctors naturally starts their private practice aiming to recover their money as fast as possible with calculations of interest on it.
So they sometime may take unnecessary risks while treating patients.
For topic “Views on Medical Profession”

Appeal to All…

Getting Alert…..

Before the people move towards untoward hazardous steps against medical profession we all concerned people should start motivating towards some ideological approach to this issue,

This message to get Alert is to all the listed below:

1.Individual doctor

2.Doctors associations.

3.Heathcare organizations

4.All types of social organizations

5.All NGOs

6.Government health department

7.Ministry of health



          10 …………………..

This is the right time to react

Take responsibly & act…. This is the right time to react. (T)

It’s my appeal to all medical professional to take the responsibility of this hazardous social issue.

Kindly note that no doctor is immune….Risk is to each & everybody

If you says you are not responsible….then you need to self assessed.

Doctor should not become Panicky…

How Medical Professional should react?

Its now time to react in a constant cool manner to be beneficial for long term basis.

Care should be taken to overreact on a situation. No person ,no law, is going to get it controlled instantaneously.

So it the basic need of present medical practice to do practice with professional ethics.

No person should do malpractice & everybody should keep on eye to a doctor doing malpractice.

If he/she is doing ,”why I should interfere ?”attitude will be no longer moral.

As if any Medico Legal Case  comes , it’s our responsibility to inform police at least when we suspect some foul play; the same way as social responsibility we should try to identify quacks & socially harmful doctors. Otherwise  a day or other we will be sufferer in spite of our fault.

I can Change the World…

I can Change the World…
Can We Doctors As An Individual, Change The Society?
Answer is Yes.
If somebody is willing to involve & ready to work constantly on it.
I all the time thinks on improvisation of ourselves. Other wise be ready to pay the price.
For – Grading / Rating of doctors by self –
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Minimise the Risk

Minimise the Risk
Choose your patients
On the background of physical attack on doctor it is now mandatory to give some time to know in a little bit details regarding the social background of patient’s relatives or  accompanied person.
As we take detail history of patient, it’s now to include patient’s & relatives social history also. One should follow this norm very decently & politely and by suitable means.
Aim should be to know his social background.
Then one can grade this family in to various different grades so as to consider non medical approach to them.
For one way of ‘Grading of relatives or accompanied persons of the patient.’
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Role of Medical Counsels…

What is the role of various medical counsels?
Various medical counsels present are the authority to regulate Registered Medical Doctors.

Are all type of medical professionals are willing to be regulated strictly on regular basis by some counsels?

If answer here is no…..Then also please read further.

If answer to this question is yes….then ….

The question to think on different regulations which can be put forward to various counsels to get it implemented.

1.scrutinization of all doctors so as to find out quack in the professions.

2.regularisation of various charges according to areas.

3.Inspection of facilities available on regular basis.

 for malpractice

          5.follow up of various issues.

Learn to Protect yourself…

Learn to Protect yourself…
Will this help?
Can this work –
1.     To form security force task?????
2.     To form at least self created caretaker close persons team/force.
3.     To keep security all the time.( security guard)
4.     To apply for pistol license & to have it
5.     At least keep any suitable weapon with you to defend yourself.
6.     To form run away policy – plan & action
7.     To invite politicians just before likely event

Role of Doctor’s Associations

Role of Doctor’s Associations
Can Associations of doctors can play any role?
Answer – My previous opinion was any type of association or organization have no role as the particular doctor is suppose to face the situation at his level as it his own problem. And others can only give moral support to him.
But Now my opinion is different.
Local association can play a major role if they wish it strongly.
Steps can be as follows:
1.Monthly review cum meeting with local authority.
2. Three monthly review cum meeting with DYSP
3.Yealy review cum meeting with SP
( these are things decided in the meeting of SP with RMA (Raigad district’s doctors association) on 29th Jan 2009)
          4.local doctors should periodically inform the name of over reactive &/or aggressive relatives & the name of person accompanying having criminal personality.
          5.Police are suppose to take appropriate action with out disclosing the name of doctors.( No written complaints)
          6.Target here is to prepare black list of persons who may lead or influence or actively participate in a such issues of attacking doctors physically & mentally. 
Association at district level can also play major role.
What they can do?
These are some steps they can take?
1.To form a cell (MLC cell)
( Our RMA has already it)
2.This cell should react in the similar manner as local associations but should collect the data on district level.
3.These cell is to be authorized to take necessary steps or actions by their own.
4.They should have definite action plan.
          5.They should keep follow up of cases.

Apart from this

Apart from this:
All healthcare concerned associations should actively take responsibility to educate & awareness of people in general towards ill effect of this issue. And need to spread  the new law of imprisonment &/or fine to such criminals.
We all members of RMA have already displayed the notice mentioning the concerned provision of law  in our clinic/hospitals.
But this only is not sufficient…..periodic awareness is the necessity
For example we are invited for a camp or for a particular any sort of medically related or unrelated function, at least try to aware the people in general regarding such sensitive issue for two to ten minutes.( more time may have negative or opposite response.or effect.)

No More Protest…By Doctors

No More Protest…By Doctors….Against Violence….
Why Doctors are Now Not Protesting against Violence?..
Are They or The Way is Not Working???
Previous ways of protesting against relative’s violence are outdated.
On the day of violence emergency meeting of all the members, On day Two second meeting to decide strategy, then meeting with local police authority , On Day 4 or five – Long March (morch & nivedan), or Strike with Silent Long Mach (Muk morcha) at all the places.
All these are now outdated methods, as they proved to be ineffective.
Recently meeting with SP, Collector & Local politician was made. Political parties were involved & meet with Home minister was encouraging to all.
But these are not sufficient and are not effective as far as prevention on long term basis is concerned.
To go on One day token strike so as to pass message to all common people regarding the incidence was discarded?
Long March (Muke Morcha) with distribution of pamphlets in local area

          ….Is it not the way right to achieve our aim to get familiar to a new amended law.
In the country of India I don’t find any other most effective way as far as immediate reaction & motivation of all of us is concerned….
Strike,  token, half day – option should be kept open…..
Parallel OPDs was suggested by somebody after Pen incidence but I don’t think it is the practical way now. It was okay when we were studying as a postgraduate or in Service…
Any sort of getting together activity by any way or manner is must on emergency as to move our spirit….
( Delay may results in to evaporation of spirit.)
Spirit is theee tonic distributed to everyone by association at the time of such activity.
I just want to add :
          Last 15 years history We reacts instantly after the incidence of any mishap against doctors.
          We gets together irrespective of ego, performs above mentioned some of the tasks in serial order. And We reaches to same place from where we started. Is not Like walking or running along the circular path which give us no particular direction to move…
     Need now is to make an attempt to find the right direction till the success or targeted results. 

. Different Ways

. Different Ways To Prevent Attack on Doctors…
To Concentrate on Different Ways To Prevent Attack on Doctors…
It is necessary to move slowly but constantly to get control over Physical attack on doctors.
These are some of the steps or guidelines on which health care Associations should concentrate.
1.Refresh the health Relationship between Doctor & Patient.
2.Periodic educational camps to improve doctors attitude towards patients.
3.To arrange camps to improve doctors communication skills.
4.To arrange various workshops to relieve doctor’s stress.
For article “Do Not Treat the Patient”
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Risk to Doctor & Driver is the Same…

As far as risk is concerned doctor & drivers show many similarities.

For example :

1.Driver drive alive human being with risk of mortality

      & doctors drives health boat of living human being.

     Risk to both is the same

2. Driver has to renew his license as doctors.

3.  Both takes insurance coverage.

4. Driver is expected to be efficient as doctor.

5. Over stress by overnight drive may reduce his efficiency. And the thing is applicable to doctors also. But both are either un aware or ignorant.

6. Loosing cool may cause any mishap in case of both.

7. Unnecessary over take can be disastrous for driver.

Like that intentional erg to make more money & to dominate his associate to get fame one always choose to overtake his collogue by criticizing him or by showing superiority of self. This also results in disaster & casualties may be anybody, depends on luck…

So there are many similarities & so risk is almost same to both.

Now thing is that both can have risk of accident irrespective of their ability & efficiency Do people treat doctors & patients in same way.

Answer at least today is No…

In case if accident mob do not wait for police to take necessary action. Mob never thinks of what is legal & illegal. Mob does their own action depending upon situation or events.

Their act may include attack on driver &/or attack on vehicle and further nuisance to other public or private properties.

             In case sudden death or such event in doctors premises – Is it not that mob is to be expected to react in the same way. So people’s approach is some what becoming same like event at the time of accident.

My intention here is:

                    As driver either runs away or surrenders to police to avoid physical attack, we all doctors should set our mind set to learn & follow the norm used by driver.

“Save your Life to save many more lives in future”

Foot Note – By taking Risk you are increasing your Risk…

To read more....

When nothing is working

When nothing is working….Attitude…By Doctors…
“Kuch nahi kara sakate hum.Or Kuch nahi kar sakate tum…Sirf ek nampunsak ki tarah tammashaa  dekh sakate hain hum……Huch nahi kar sakate hum.
When nothing is working 
To Read More on this


Hope for the best!!!!......
Oh Subah kabhi To Ayegi….
I sincerely do not want to close my topic by creating negative approach in our mind.
My sincere effort is to motivate all of us in a cool & descent way.
So all the best for all of us.

Aal is wel

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