By - Doctor Subhash … Khopoli… Maharashtra… India. Doctors are at Risk in India due to Violence from Patient’s Relatives & Mob… Now a days physical assault on doctors is no more breaking news... Is the nature will find it’s own solution? Or Should we all do something? Or this issue is of no concerned.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Doctor is no more God…

Attack on Doctors…No More A Breaking News …

Attack on Doctors is No Social Issue…
Attack in Doctors…My Aim is…

Arrest the Doctor…

Doctors are Soft Target…
Healthy but Harsh & Rough People…
View on Government Health Centers…
Doctors are Businessman…

Appeal to All…

Getting Alert…..
Before the people move towards untoward hazardous steps against medical profession we all concerned people should start motivating towards some ideological approach to this issue,
This message to get Alert is to all the listed below:
1.Individual doctor
2.Doctors associations.
3.Heathcare organizations
4.All types of social organizations
5.All NGOs
6.Government health department
7.Ministry of health
10 …………………..
This is the right time to react
Take responsibly & act…. This is the right time to react. (T)
It’s my appeal to all medical professional to take the responsibility of this hazardous social issue.
Kindly note that no doctor is immune….Risk is to each & everybody
If you says you are not responsible….then you need to self assessed.
Doctor should not become Panicky…

How Medical Professional should react?
Its now time to react in a constant cool manner to be beneficial for long term basis.
Care should be taken to overreact on a situation. No person ,no law, is going to get it controlled instantaneously.
So it the basic need of present medical practice to do practice with professional ethics.
No person should do malpractice & everybody should keep on eye to a doctor doing malpractice.
If he/she is doing ,”why I should interfere ?”attitude will be no longer moral.
As if any Medico Legal Case comes , it’s our responsibility to inform police at least when we suspect some foul play; the same way as social responsibility we should try to identify quacks & socially harmful doctors. Otherwise a day or other we will be sufferer in spite of our fault.I can Change the World…
Minimise the Risk
Role of Medical Counsels…
Learn to Protect yourself…

Role of Doctor’s Associations
Apart from this
No More Protest…By Doctors
. Different Ways
Risk to Doctor & Driver is the Same…
As far as risk is concerned doctor & drivers show many similarities.
For example :
1.Driver drive alive human being with risk of mortality
& doctors drives health boat of living human being.
Risk to both is the same
2. Driver has to renew his license as doctors.
3. Both takes insurance coverage.
4. Driver is expected to be efficient as doctor.
5. Over stress by overnight drive may reduce his efficiency. And the thing is applicable to doctors also. But both are either un aware or ignorant.
6. Loosing cool may cause any mishap in case of both.
7. Unnecessary over take can be disastrous for driver.
Like that intentional erg to make more money & to dominate his associate to get fame one always choose to overtake his collogue by criticizing him or by showing superiority of self. This also results in disaster & casualties may be anybody, depends on luck…
So there are many similarities & so risk is almost same to both.
Now thing is that both can have risk of accident irrespective of their ability & efficiency Do people treat doctors & patients in same way.
Answer at least today is No…
In case if accident mob do not wait for police to take necessary action. Mob never thinks of what is legal & illegal. Mob does their own action depending upon situation or events.
Their act may include attack on driver &/or attack on vehicle and further nuisance to other public or private properties.
In case sudden death or such event in doctors premises – Is it not that mob is to be expected to react in the same way. So people’s approach is some what becoming same like event at the time of accident.
My intention here is:
As driver either runs away or surrenders to police to avoid physical attack, we all doctors should set our mind set to learn & follow the norm used by driver.
“Save your Life to save many more lives in future”
Foot Note – By taking Risk you are increasing your Risk…
To read more....
When nothing is working
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